How does Protandim Work?
The vast majority of antioxidant supplements sold today are "direct antioxidants". Direct antioxidants attempt to neutralize free radicals through direct consumption of antioxidant pills, juices, or other products. These products of highly concentrated levels of vitamin A, C and E were previously thought to effectively eliminate free radicals, but scientists are now realizing the limitations of direct antioxidants. In fact, you would need to consume the antioxidants found in 375 oranges or 87 glasses of red wine or about 120 vitamin C tablets (500mg) a day to neutralize the amount of free radicals your body produces every single day.
With the recognition of the ineffectiveness of direct antioxidants comes the realization that there must be a better way. And as is often the case in science, the better way has come to light as we have found a variety of naturally occurring safe products that signal your cells’ DNA to produce your own natural defenses.
The unique blend of phytonutrients in Protandim signal your body’s genes to produce special antioxidant enzymes, SOD (superoxide dismutase) and CAT (catalase), that work together as the body’s first line of defense against free radicals.* These enzymes are “catalytic”, which means that SOD and CAT are not used up when they neutralize free radicals. A single daily caplet of Protandim creates a cascade of your body’s natural catalytic antioxidants that are able to destroy millions of free radicals per second, on a continuous basis - 24/7.*