The Quantum Biofeedback EPFX/SCIO device bridges and combines science (quantum physics & biology) and mathematics with alternative / energetic medicine (oriental medicine, acupuncture, homeopathy and many others are all based on energy). It has been FDA registered since 1989 as a biofeedback device, and has also been recently approved by Health Canada for stress detection and reduction. | |
This device and software can analyze stress and treat stress. Stress can be of many types from toxicity, trauma, deficiency, perverse energy, pathogens, allergy, heredity, mental factors and others. Stress reduction and behavioral medicine should be the core of medicine. The EPFX / SCIO uses Cybernetic Biofeedback to detect stress and treat the same. The device interfaces with an individual and records personal reactions to energetic signatures of over 10,000 different items and words that are contained within the software program. It interfaces with the body at biological speeds of 1/100 of a second – the speed of a computer – providing results within minutes as opposed to days and weeks. This speed of interaction bypasses our conscious interference for true "superconscious" reaction measurements. An initial reactivity scan of over 10,000 different items only takes about 3 minutes! The resulting picture painted by your reactions helps to create a better understanding of the individual stress factors pertinent to your lifestyle and wellness. This incredible system was invented by Dr. William Nelson. It is the most profound energetic biofeedback system currently available. People from all walks of life own and use quantum biofeedback systems, depending on their personal or professional needs. This system of measurement is not only faster than muscle-testing (or "kinesiology") but double-blind. The individual conducting the scan cannot possibly know what is being reacted to by the person being tested. The information from the initial scan is recorded, categorized and prioritized by the SCIO software program in ways that facilitate the revelation of possible stressors, and can help provide a more informed approach to your lifestyle. The results are estimated to be at least 85% accurate. "Programs within the program" help to narrow down the best immediate personal choices. The SCIO program is a multitude of different programs combined into one. Dr. Nelson's unique signature on this equipment is his patented mathematical calculation of the "trivector" formula of combined amperage, voltage and resistance measures, extending out to 16 different parameter measurements for a 3-dimensional perspective. Most biofeedback devices operate on 1-dimensional resistance measures alone, but with the "trivector" formula at work, energetic patterns within the program take on a special electrical 3D shape that our body-electric is theorized to more readily recognize and translate as information. (If you want to know a bit more about the trivector field please check the resources page for youtube video with prof. Nelson explaining it in simple terms). This system, interfaces with the individual and creates a feedback loop of information exchange wherein deeper communication and stress reduction can take place, at a level beyond conscious interference. |
Professor Nelson on shape and trivector.EPFX Quantum Biofeedback OverviewThe EPFX Quantum Biofeedback System, now entering the third decade of its development journey, and leading the field of Bio-Energetic and Bio-Response measurement, is the accepted standard for the application of Quantum Biofeedback. The EPFX - Quantum Biofeedback System, the latest and most up-to-date technology, takes a multitude of different stress reduction programs, methods, and techniques, and merges them into a more simple - best overall - well rounded approach. Quantum Biofeedback, working through sixteen different electrical factors of the body, calculates combinations of impedance, amperage, voltage, capacitance, inductance, and resistance for Electro-Physiological Reactivity (The Xrroid Process). The body is indeed electric; therefore reactivity in the body can be measured electrically. E-P Reactivity results are based upon the ability to establish a "Tri-Vector" connection for an energetic "3-Dimensional" view of the client's current reactions to over 10,000 different items. All accomplished completely independent of user influence to help avoid bias or error. The picture painted by the reactions may help to create a better understanding of the individual factors pertinent to lifestyle and wellness. Once established, the Quantum Biofeedback auto-focus program, designed to monitor a client's reactions, helps optimize the quality and quantity of the stress reduction results. The techniques and methods of Quantum Biofeedback stress reduction include addressing areas those most typically affected by the stressors of "every-day living". Some examples of these methods and areas are the "tri-vector", "auto-meridian", "auto-frequency", "auto-color", "auto-spinal", "chakra", and brain wave pattern relaxation. The EPFX Device is connected to the client via a head strap, and wrist and ankle bands. EPFX devices are being used worldwide by Doctors, Kinesiologists, Dentists, Veterinarians, Naturopaths, Chiropractors, Homeopaths, Acupuncturists, Nutritionists, Psychologists, Hypnotherapists, Massage Therapists, and many other professional practitioners. Many times stress or the stress of disease in the body, mind or spirit are overlooked. This can impede or block our ability to heal.The medical community has identified that stress plays a major factor in 85% of disease. EPFX Biofeedback is very effective at addressing those stressors. Clients may see significant health gains or pain reduction when the burden of stress and stressors is reduced. ![]() ![]() |
This information on this website is provided for general purposes only. The opinions and results expressed in this website are the opinions of the relevant researchers and the site owners. Information in this website is not intended as a substitute for medical advice. In fact, if you have medical concerns we want you to consult your physician with this information and seek their advice as many are aware of the published research into the use of far-infrared, massage, ozone, oxygen, negative ions,natural ultra-sound and hydrotherapy. Our goal is to help others attain the highest level of wellness available to them. It is our hope and dream to do that in the simplest, most natural ways possible.
We have an amazing group of medical people, researchers and facilities in Canada. They need us to take action by taking care of ourselves. Our system is becoming more and more over-whelmed and underfunded. Cuts are in the news far too often. To protect what we have, we as individuals need to participate in Self Care solutions to reduce the burden on our health care services. We are envied around the world by less fortunate populations. Future generations deserve quality, affordable health care. Lets work together to ensure we protect this National Treasure for today and tomorrow.